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1/14/2025 » 1/15/2025
PLANTS 2025 & Pest Recertification - Attendees

Arkansas Diamonds - Plants




What is an Arkansas Diamond plant?

Arkansas Diamonds are locally grown plants proven to be tough in Arkansas. Plants for 2015 to 2024 are shown above.

How were these plants selected?

Arkansas Diamonds have been chosen by plant professionals to highlight outstanding plants that consistently perform well in Arkansas. New plant selections are chosen each year.

Where can Arkansas Diamonds be found?
 Click here for a list of participating garden centers and nurseries

Find Arkansas Diamonds at your local independent garden centers! Look for the Arkansas Diamonds logo when shopping, and feel confident that you are both supporting local businesses AND purchasing a plant that will be successful in your garden.

What is the goal of the Arkansas Diamonds program?

The goal is to educate Arkansas gardeners about bedding plants that consistently perform well in our state to that they can be more successful. The Arkansas Diamonds program also serves to promote local growers and local independent garden centers. This program is a partnership of the Arkansas Green Industry Association, the University of Arkansas Cooperative Extension Service, local growers and independent garden centers. 

How can my retail business participate by becoming a Partner in the Arkansas Diamonds program?

To become a AR Diamonds Partner, call the AR Green Industry Association office at 501-225-0029 or fill-out the AR Diamonds Partnership Agreement form and return. 

Click here to print a form and view the details of the program

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